Ramblings, musings, enquiry, and paraphrasings in psychology and neuroscience.
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
"Les endormeurs" ~ An oil painting by surrealist painter Jacques Resch. Makes me think of introspection; the messiness of my bed room often reflects the messiness of my mind at any given time.
I am currently working in cognitive psychology at UCL (University College London, UK). My research involves human multitasking behaviour in simulated real-world environments.
I have recently accepted a PhD position at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour in Nijmegen, Holland. This research concerns the neural architecture of language and multimodal integration/processing in general. Other outcomes include therapeutic applications for clinical groups such as those with phobias, substance abuse disorders, eating disorders and other addictions.
My previous research (at the University of Edinburgh, UK) has concerned the effect of neurological pathology on language and behaviour in patients with subcortical degenerative movement disorders (Progressive supranuclear palsy and Corticobasal degeneration). Prior to this I studied the individual differences of intelligence and cognition within the context of evolutionary pressures ~ i.e. trying to establish what factors have contributed to the increase in human brain size during the evolution of the species.
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